Niché Designs: Phase 7 - Logo Designs

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Phase 7 - Logo Designs

Logos usually consist of a single, double or joined symbol (i.e letter, number or both) that is central in the logo with the designs around with. Below I have outlined some examples:

After looking at many logos, they all either use a symbol or word as form of identity, this enables them to place their logo anywhere and the audience will know who is it, what they do and what their promoting. As my company is called 'Niche Designs' I would prefer the N and D to be central in my logo so it can dominate the page. I feel using words or letters in a logo enables quicker awareness, when someone sees a letter you automatically associate it with a word henceforth N D will be associated with Niche Designs.

I came across many tutorials which helped me with the logo designs:

By incorporating all of these tutorials I learnt a range of new skills which helped me design the final product.


Before starting to create my logo, I drew a number of different sketches in order to get an idea of what I wanted my logo to like, by drawing various different designs with different symbols, and connecting two letters I was able to understand the kind of 'personality' I wanted to give my company. This would then ease the process of choosing the font in Adobe Illustrator, and creating the design.

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