Niché Designs: Brand Identity

Monday, January 11, 2010

Brand Identity

The main header in this blog in essentially the company logo, however, with every company at one point in time they will have to either present their product, or send a letter and even though we are in fairly modern society there are still instances in which black and white images are needed, if it's not for technological purposes then it may be for environmental purposes.

Henceforth, I have created an alternative version, which as you can see is not too different from the original logo apart form the background.

Whilst it may seem unprofessional to have more logo's than one, Murray (2003) explains that "new technologies and digital communication networks have put the world at our fingertips. We are interconnected via tens of millions of websites,Usenet newsgroups, message boards, chat rooms, instant messaging, short messaging service (SMS), weblogs, streaming media, peer to peer networks, and email." Therefore it may seem relevant that a more eye-grabbing logo is created as 'we' are now competing with billions of people around the world.

Considering we are still in the 21st century, it is only fair that an appropriate black and white version is created. I've just used N & D as these are my two central letters. After the audience recognize that ND is actually Niche Designs they will be able to interconnect both logo's under one central company.

Murray, B (2003) Defending The Brand. New York: AMACOM

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