Niché Designs: Phase 11 - Editing Video Clips

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Phase 11 - Editing Video Clips

The next step was editing the video clips so that it is ready to be imported into Adobe After Effects. This is another advantage of creating a storyboard, in previous projects I ignored the importance of creating the storyboard henceforth, when in the production process everything was unorganised. This time round, creating a storyboard aided the production as I organised what needs to designed, filmed and edited.

Using Final Cut Pro I began to edit the video clips. This began by choosing the right video clips that are going to be used in the actual project. When filming, I found I was taking more shots than expected.

After the video was uploaded onto the project page, I dragged it onto the editing suite and began to edit the bits that were not needed. After adding in Effects such as Fade In/Out, Dissolve and 3D Spin.

I continued on to edit the sound clip as you were able to hear some background noises such as wind and dogs barking. This was done by right-clicking the appropriate file and choosing stereo option. This bought up the sound file, after finding Mute I selected this option.

This was the final image of the video clip, after finding the relevant effects and positioning so that it is ready to be imported in After Effects, I exported the file to a QuickTime Movie and saved the file as a .FCP

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