Niché Designs: Phase 13 - Project Production Cont....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Phase 13 - Project Production Cont....

To enable the text to scroll across the screen you can either import a previously designed image or create a new layer by selecting Layer and then choosing Text, Solid or Camera (more options available) and choose your desired font and size, create a new keyframe, position your image to the points where you want it to move and then an automatic keyframe should be selected. This is the way I used to enable the typography to run across screen.

Uploading the video to the project is a similar process to importing an image, after dragging the file onto the editing space the video clip playback bar is usually at the beginning of the clip, scroll back to the clip and then place it where you want to place it.

After Effects also hold a variety of effects for text, solids or other elements. I wanted to use a text effect so instead of creating this on photoshop and importing single layers I decided to play around with some of the effects on AE and use one of them. I came across one particular one which suited my project.I altered the scatter so that it synchronizes with the end of the video along with the beginning of the other video.

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