Niché Designs: Phase 12 - Voice & Sound Editing

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Phase 12 - Voice & Sound Editing

After recording numerous male and female voices, I then uploaded the files onto the computer and picked the four best voices in order to use in my final recording. Below shows the number of people I used in order to get the right voice:

The next stage involved getting all sound clips onto the editing suite.

As you can see, they were not aligned, therefore to do this, I dragged each file to the beginning of the editing suite.

Some of the voices started late or early, or finished early and ended late this meant I had to cut down some of the voices and then align them accordingly. This process involved continuously playing back the sounds to make sure they all start and finish at the same time.

After that was complete I was left with a 2/3 second voice clip.

Before continuing, I wanted to get the music file ready and edited for the final production. To do this I chose 'Dual Of Fates' the Star Wars soundtrack to be music file. I chose this because it creates a tense atmosphere and may reel the audience in.

The music file was too long for the piece and this meant that once the video has finished, the music will come to an abrupt end. To fade out the end, I simply opened Soundtrack Pro and loaded the music file onto the editing space. After this was complete, I highlighted the part in which needs to start to fade out and then used the shortcut in the top right of the screen to drag the sound out, as shown below:

Now that all video and audio aspects were edited, it was time to begin the final production.

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