Niché Designs: **UPDATE** 27/11/09

Friday, November 27, 2009

**UPDATE** 27/11/09

Just to outline the seriousness, of racism within football only last night 'Mario Balotelli' was subject to racial abuse by his own fans. The President admits that racism is a problem and that they are trying everything to stamp it out, however, he feels that "collaboration of everyone, starting from the fans," is needed declared Jean Claude Blanc. (For full story: )

An incident more or less in our own back yard occur ed recently during a derby match between Blackburn and Bolton. An Asian man and his two nephews where racially abused leaving all three victims extremely distressed and upset. An investigation has been launched by Police and are now looking for the offenders who are originally from Blackburn. (For more info: )

After reading about these two incidents, I started to wonder whether football fans and the people themselves understand the seriousness of this particular issue. Do people know there are anti-racism groups out their fighting to completely eradicate racism out of the sports, if so what is their view on the groups and in order for my campaign to be a success, what do I have to do as a producer in order to reach this goal. To find out these queries created a survey in order to answer these questions.

The survey can be found at:

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