Niché Designs: December 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Phase 6 - Campaign Inspirations 2

Additional inspirations came as I was casually watching a film called Pulp Fiction. The opening 20 seconds of the film starts of with the usual logo of the film company and is then followed by the definition of the term 'pulp'. There are many reasons why this has been done, the Literature Network Forum (2005) suggest that the "definition of the term "pulp fiction" is displayed at the beginning of the movie, as if to say This movie is a piece of pulp fiction (so it probably shouldn't be taken too seriously)."

If this is how other people view the use of defining key words, then I thought if i was to define the term 'Racism' then I will be setting the tone of the piece right from the start.

Racism /'reɪ.sɪ.zəm/ noun

1a. A belief in the superiority of a particular race; prejudice based on this.

b. antagonism towards other raves, especially as a result of this.

2. the theory that human abilities etc, are determined by race /Racist noun and adj.

Daniel Lima is an artist who has produced a wide range of works. He's a worldwide traveller and has created an anti-racism video in which was very helpful as it strayed away from the norm. He targets his audience with the use of his creative mind and provides the audience with a different approach to racism.

In order to understand and prepare for production, I wanted to know the work that was continusly being done in order to stamp racism out of football. By reading websites, and and keeping up-to-date with news I wanted a more opinionated understanding henceforth used social networking sites to do this. Currently, Facebook is one of the most known social networking sites with millions of users, I joined an anti-racism group to listen to other people's views:

This then inspired me to create my own group and get the views of my friends and try to get a debate started. By creating an online survey I was also able to to get that one step closer with my target audience:

Allen, R (1990) The Concise Oxford Dictionary (8th ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Literature Network Forum (2000)Origin Of The Term 'Pulp Fiction'. Available At: Accessed 5/01/10